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2oo hr application

If you've landed on this page we know you are seious about starting your yoga teaching journey?

Complete our form below and then book in for a chat with Beverley, our Course Director..

About You

Your Yoga Experience

How long have you been practicing yoga?
0-1 year
1-2 years
2-5 years
5 years+

You may already be clear that you want to teach - we'd love to know more about your vision for this. Or, it might be that you are interested in this course primarily as a way to deepen your practice and broaden your knowledge.

Learning Environment

This helps us organise the course and prepare materials to maximise the benefits for everyone, so let us know, for example, if you need handouts in large print, or extra time or support in understanding and submitting written assignments.

For example, do you need to be close to the tutor for lip-reading, do you have any difficulties with mobility in a studio setting, etc.

You could also let us know of any prescribed medication or any additional emergency contact mobile phone numbers.


How did you hear about this course?
A yoga teacher
Word of mouth
Social media
Somewhere else

We'll get back to you via email or if you'd prefer us to call you on the number provided, please let us know.

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