terms & Conditions
booking a training
All students must book their training via the booking system.
Booking a place on the 200 hour yoga teacher training is via an application proces
Bookings via other methods (not limited to but including email, Facebook messenger, Instagram DM, text, call) will not be accepted and you will be redirected to the booking system
In order to secure your place on the 200 hour teacher training, you'll need to pay a deposit. Please note that the deposit is non-refundable in all circumstances. We will only refund fees paid-to-date, minus your deposit before 31 December 2023. No refunds will be offered on fees paid to date after 31 December 2023 and you will be contractually responsible for any fees outstanding. Fees are non-transferable to another training.
deposits, refunds & cancellations
Our courses require either a deposit, or full payment to secure your space. Please refer to the course details page for course specific terms, and payment amounts and dates in cases where deposits are due to secure your space.
Courses run on set dates and times, and you are not entitled to a refund in accordance with your statutory rights. You will be made aware of this policy prior to purchase by opting in and agreeing to these Terms at point of purchase, and in your confirmation email.
Deposits are non-refundable in all circumstances.
Courses may be refundable in certain circumstances up to a specified date and not available after that date. Please refer to the course details page for course specific terms.
Fees are non-transferrable to alternative trainings.
All clients agree to pay the advertised fee in full when a purchase is made. If you feel your circumstances are exceptional, please email beverley@barefootbody.com and we can discuss options.
Should you consider that you have grounds to obtain a refund which are not set out above you should email beverley@barefootbody.com to set out your refund request.
conduct guidelines
Barefoot Body Training does not tolerate any aggressive or threatening behaviour to any of its Tutors or to other Trainees, any inappropriate conduct in the learning environment, or transgression of our ethical and moral guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to: discriminatory speech or behaviour including that based on age, race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation; harassment or bullying; behaviour deemed inappropriate according to our ethical and moral guidelines (a copy of these is available on request